mental box

Shit. You’ve opened Pandora’s box of my twisted brain.

You won’t find gumdrops and rainbows here. Nor inspiration, motivation or adventure stories.

We’ll be chopping Darth Vader. Piece by piece.

The problem is, that colonial bastard won’t just lie on his back and submit. He will fight back with every weapon he has.

He has superior arsenal to you. He knows you better than you know you. He is you.

Not you you. That other you.

That voice in your head that never shuts up, and suggest you the dumbest ideas which leads to depression and anxiety. Because there he can control you…

Exactly how he did for XX [fill your age] years.

Taking back the controller means to declare the war on that bastard. It won’t be easy. And it will never end. But it’s worth it.

Eye for eye. Vendetta!