Howdy. My name is Adam.
“I inspire people to move. From my toddler times.” – This was what I’ve thought I was doing… Until I realized, all toddlers do that. Without taking pride for that.
I can’t motivate to do anybody anything. Inspiration is the same crap. We can’t make our ultimate goal happen with only fumes in tank. Motivation and inspiration are exactly that. Fumes. They lights up and soon they’re gone.
I write about things worth sharing. Adventures, overcame setbacks, applied and tested knowledge from books and more. This blog might surprise you, give you some new ideas, or give you nothing at all.
Every human in different, therefore it’s normal that this blog will turn off most readers. I accept that, because I know that the small group that stays will find much more value here. And for those folks I write.
Whichever group you fit in, don’t let my description bamboozle you. Rather use the power of your meticulously calibrated scroller thumb to find out for yourself. Don’t waste your time on irrelevant blogs, use it for living.
See you there, somewhere…